Crazy Days

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I'm just another ordinary guy with crazy dreams and a wiered life...who wouldn't know what's wrong with this world and life...let's try to find what?

Saturday, July 01, 2006

All about change....

Just a thought, why we stick to a single application to perform the same task. Why not organizations shift application the way I do? That is one of the most interestng influences I had from FOSS, earlier I used Mozilla and later conviniently switched to FireFox, and from Gnome -> KDE to IceWM. I'm sure in a singular context it is possible to act like that but in a business environment, things aren't happening that way.

Change is the most feared factor in common organizations today (atleast in Sri Lanka). Managing change is given the highest priority in most companies (including where I work for the moment) and, in auditors perspective unable to manage change is a bigger crime than leaving a password blank. For the longest time I've been trying to figure out this equation and finally it started to make sense.

In a business perspective "Cost of change would be much higher than the loss of using". That is why selecting an ERP system is a life time decision, for most of the companies. In a simple example, if you implement a buggy ERP system and used it for several years, scrapping it might not be a feasible option. It doesn't have to be expensive software. In simple terms that could be one of the reasons why FOSS has a cost involve.

Now I'm started thinking in the direction of FOSS, could this be one reasons why organizations are hesitant to move in to FOSS based solution? Known facts, could support be a problem? nope...we have enough vendors operating in Sri Lanka in my belief. Could awareness be a problem? impossible....our guys make the biggest noice possible...even biger than M$ noice in these parts of the world...anyway M$ is only loud FUD, most of the times. Then what could it be? Any comment accepted...


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