Crazy Days

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I'm just another ordinary guy with crazy dreams and a wiered life...who wouldn't know what's wrong with this world and life...let's try to find what?

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Ubuntu Party

Ubuntu Party....another geek gathering, well almost. Mahangu and few Ubuntu Promoters...I don't think they're users but people who tell other people to use Ubuntu decide to throw a party to celebrate a series of Ubuntu celebrations for the new Ubuntu releas. Full time debiannaire, I myself tried promoting Ubuntu...coz I can get them down for free, kind of easy way of promoting I guess :).

So the party was geeky no doubt and finally I grab a Draper for myself. I tried installing it through qemu, to my own HDD, my favourite method..., which failed me this cd is damn slow. Well this is not some thing new...that's why I hate Hoary. Too bad I had to run to wath a movie with my wife....which, according to a friend of mine Tom Cruise is having only two moods...pissed off and pissed off and sux...officially I hated it.

Finally after comming home I thought of giving a try to see how bunch of people see Linux as a OS for Human Beings. Well this time it's different. There's no multiple CDs, Live CD can be installed. Yet there boot time is not even close to Taprobane (way to go Anuradha^2 (Anuradha and Anuradha) & Bud). Installation was kind of easy...just click the icon on the gnome desktop and follow the instructions. But for a moment I had a heart attack (very mild one compared to Mango Installation :)) when I passed the disk partitioning section. Installation seemed take a while, so I sat down for dinner while it installs, hoping that it'll give me boot loader choice. But luckily Ubuntu installs grub, which makes getting rid of OSes quite easy. Finally I have a parallaly running Ubuntu installation as well.

Ubuntu....Look and Feel has not changed much, but I found most of the new tools installed. Actually this is the first time I had a look at a Ubuntu running on HDD, so I found it quite ammusing. Anyway this is a OS for human beings, lucky to know still I'm one of them...he he. Supprise really struck me when I saw the hiberantion option in closing the system. I've seen it working in Sanjeewa's laptop with Ubuntu but couldn't get it to work with my debian sarge after many trials.

Ok...I nearly fainted with joy after seing my machine hibernating and resuming, that was prety amazing. That was the first time my laptop had a nap, I mean a real one (I only booted once with Win2k...before installing Debian). How does it work....couldn't bother now but I intend to hack more in to this and see how they're waking up....I can sleep but my boot process don't know I'm sleeping. Next step would be Ubuntized debian...well I'm half way through that.

So what next.....till my wife get her a machine I'll keep this for her to use....she's still one of those Ubuntu category people, finding my debian really freaking.


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